Some Freebie Fallouts and a Borderlands For Bupkis, Magical Savings on All Things Potterverse, and More!
Thank your own personal deity—possibly the Omnissiah—it's Friday! When it comes to today's deals, I feel that the nada prices of Fallout Classics Collection and Borderlands 2 speak for themselves—acquire and love playing them for triple digit hours. That said, I've also arranged a who's who list of other reduced games worth playing. Also, games kinda...sorta worth playing, by virtue of being really, really dirt cheap. Lookin' at you, Suicide Squad. In retro news, I’m commemorating the 29th birthday of Panzer Dragoon, a Saturn rail-shooter and progenitor of a small but legendary series. I have fond memories of saving up weeks of Woolies trolley boy pay to buy this at my local Cashies. All the sunburn and random Karen abuse was worth it. I got to ride a drago[o]n across a “gorgeous” world filled with weird ‘n’ wonderful post-apoc beasties to spew locked-on plasma vomit at. The remake stands up okay, but it’s a mighty short ride. This Day in GamingAussie birthdays for notable games.- Panzer Dragoon (SAT) 1995. Redux- Medieval: Total War (PC) 2002. Get- Blue Dragon (X360) 2007. Get Table of ContentsNintendo SwitchPCXboxPlayStationLEGOThe Weekly Top 10Nice Savings for Nintendo Switch Expiring Recent DealsOr gift a Nintendo eShop Card.Switch Console PricesHow much to Switch it up?Back to topPurchase Cheap for PC Expiring Recent DealsOr just get a Steam Wallet Card.PC Hardware PricesSlay your pile of shame.Back to topExciting Bargains for Xbox Expiring Recent DealsOr just invest in an Xbox Card.Xbox Console PricesHow many bucks for a 'Box?Back to topPure Scores for PlayStationExpiring Recent DealsOr purchase a PS Store Card.PlayStation Console PricesWhat you'll pay to 'Station.Back to topLegit LEGO DealsExpiring Recent DealsBack to topThe Top 10 Games in Australia(According to IGEA and Game Sales Data.) Borderlands 3College Football 25New Tales BorderlandsGTA VBorderlands GOTYHogwarts LegacyTitanfall 2AFL 23Need For Speed HeatDishonoredBack to top Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler. He plays practically everything, often on YouTube.

Thank your own personal deity—possibly the Omnissiah—it's Friday! When it comes to today's deals, I feel that the nada prices of Fallout Classics Collection and Borderlands 2 speak for themselves—acquire and love playing them for triple digit hours. That said, I've also arranged a who's who list of other reduced games worth playing. Also, games kinda...sorta worth playing, by virtue of being really, really dirt cheap. Lookin' at you, Suicide Squad.
In retro news, I’m commemorating the 29th birthday of Panzer Dragoon, a Saturn rail-shooter and progenitor of a small but legendary series. I have fond memories of saving up weeks of Woolies trolley boy pay to buy this at my local Cashies. All the sunburn and random Karen abuse was worth it. I got to ride a drago[o]n across a “gorgeous” world filled with weird ‘n’ wonderful post-apoc beasties to spew locked-on plasma vomit at. The remake stands up okay, but it’s a mighty short ride.
This Day in Gaming
Aussie birthdays for notable games.
- Panzer Dragoon (SAT) 1995. Redux
- Medieval: Total War (PC) 2002. Get
- Blue Dragon (X360) 2007. Get
Table of Contents
Nice Savings for Nintendo Switch
Expiring Recent Deals
Or gift a Nintendo eShop Card.
Purchase Cheap for PC
Expiring Recent Deals
Or just get a Steam Wallet Card.
Exciting Bargains for Xbox
Expiring Recent Deals
Or just invest in an Xbox Card.
Pure Scores for PlayStation
Expiring Recent Deals
Or purchase a PS Store Card.
Legit LEGO Deals
Expiring Recent Deals
The Top 10 Games in Australia
(According to IGEA and Game Sales Data.)
- Borderlands 3
- College Football 25
- New Tales Borderlands
- Borderlands GOTY
- Hogwarts Legacy
- Titanfall 2
- AFL 23
- Need For Speed Heat
- Dishonored
Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler. He plays practically everything, often on YouTube.
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